Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Finally! I have tried to visit Ras id-Dawwara about three times before I actually managed! Each time I was approaching the site from the wrong direction and always ended up at someone else’s property! And it’s so easy to get there!

The best way to reach Ras id-Dawwara is to go to Migra I-Ferha first. You can easily get there by car, just the roads are quite bumpy in the area, so drive carefully. You can also cycle there, as the roads are more mountain bike friendly (haha), just the final hill to Migra I-Ferha is a killer. I have to say, I was a bit lazy this time, being on a bicycle for a first time after many years I decided to put the bike in the boot and drive to the location.

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Once you arrive to Migra I-Ferha you will be blown away by the view! It’s just perfect! Picturesque cliffs on both sites and in front of you nothing but sea! I parked the car, got my bicycle and off I was to another adventure. 🙂

I didn’t get very far and I already had to stop and take a picture as the scenery is just stunning. And the most amazing part? There are no people! It was just me, myself and I with this gorgeous view!

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

There is a nice pathway alongside the cliffs, so you don’t have to walk/cycle through high grass or trying to guess where to go. After a few minutes of cycling I stopped, turned back and enjoyed the view for a moment.

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Not that I really needed a break (haha), but when cycling everything passes so fast that you don’t get to enjoy the scenery, so I made pretty regular stops… to take selfies! 🙂 And what you can see behind me is already Ras id-Dawwara! How easy was to get there, once you know where you are going!

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

The sea was so calm and beautiful. And then there was this little guy, making waves. 🙂

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

And here I am! I made it! Absolutely stunning views. Even prettier than I thought! Nature is just amazing, isn’t it? I had to sit down and enjoy the moment. Priceless. Just few seagulls would ‘disturb’ the silence every now and again, but I forgive them. 😉

Here are few panoramic pictures of Ras id-Dawwara so you can get the full view of the area! The best time to visit is definitely late afternoon, when the sun is not too hot and in the right direction to light up the cliffs.

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Once you return back to Migra I-Ferha and if you have time to spare, wait for the sunset! It’s beautiful! The cliffs and the sky are on fire and the colours are just magical!

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

Cycling around Ras id-Dawwara

And with the beautiful picture of Migra I-Ferha sunset I would like to say bye for now! Not to forget, here is the map with the exact location. And don’t forget to stay tuned, more is to come!

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