Wonderful area of Il-Qolla
I love the area of Il-Qolla. It’s definitely one of my favourite places and I keep on returning. I came across Il-Qolla back in 2017 when I was exploring Chadwick Lakes. I’m very curious person, so when I saw a hill with rock on top I had to check it out. And I’ve been coming back ever since.
There are two ways you can reach Il-Qolla. You can come from Chadwick Lakes area, which is described in this original blog. The second option is from the Victoria Lines side. There is a small road connecting Mgarr and Mosta and Il-Qolla approximately half way though. There is a parking area for approx. 5 cars. From these it’s kind straight/downhill road.
It’s a very pleasant walk. The paths are nicely visible, so you can’t lose trek. Plus the rocks and boulders are pretty obvious, so can’t miss those either. š It’s usually very quiet. When we last visited we met two ladies who were trekking like us and another two walking their dogs. Which is very few and we stayed for about 2-2,5 hours.
There is also a very nice sheltered area with few trees. Since this area is very exposed it can get pretty windy there, so these trees ca protect you from the wind or too much sun. It’s a gorgeous area and being on a hill, the views are magnificent!
We really love this natural creations. Exploring the textures of the rocks, playing with small loose stones, we were both in heaven. Kids nowadays spent too much time on the screen, including my son. So I try and spend a lot of time outdoors, so he can be occupied exploring nature. Learning about flowers, rocks, trees and small animals.
We couldn’t come to il-Qolla and not make it to the very top. There is a path, but you still have to do a little bit of climbing. Which makes it more exciting doesn’t it? Plus being a kid with your kid is a great feeling. So come on, add it to your list and have some fun. Did I say to pack your blanket? It’s a really great spot for a picnic. Just please be responsible and don’t pollute.
Proud mom and son on top of il-Qolla. I know you can’t see my lips, but I’m sure you can tell my eyes are ‘smiling’.
Oliver had a great time. He is nearly 2,5 years old, so he still doesn’t question my travel/adventure choices, so I’m trying to make the most of it. If you also have young children, don’t be afraid to take them on a small exploration mission. I’m sure you will be positively surprised.